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Igreja Renascer e Marcha para Jesus são citadas em jornal britânico

quinta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2009

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Publicado em 1 de outubro 2009
O jornal britânico The Guardian, um dos mais importantes o mundo, publicou nessa terça-feira (29/09) uma matéria sobre o crescimento da população e das igrejas evangélicas no Brasil. O texto cita diversas denominações, entre elas, a Igreja Renascer em Cristo e a Marcha para Jesus que, como mostra a reportagem, têm contibuído para a expansão do Evangelho no país.Veja a Matéria:

Brazil’s evangelical turn

People pray at th Jesus March in Sao Paulo, Brazil. About 1.5 million people participated in the event in March 2005 according to the police. Photograph: Victor R. Caivano/AP

Although the power of these new religions has increased, Catholicism hasn’t quite lost its privileged status. Pierucci again: “Since the Catholicism once encompassed more than 90% of the Brazilian population it would be impossible to grow without converting Catholics.” But it is important to stress that most of the new evangelical converts are from the lower classes, which means that the Catholicism is still the religion of the elite.
However, Pierucci also argues that the potential for Pentecostalists to increase their influence among the middle classes is intrinsically linked to their strategies for growth. The new Pentecostal churches in particular are more aggressive in attracting new followers and raising funds.
The Bola de Neve (Snowball) Church, for example, a congregation focused on the youth market, uses novelties like a surfboard in place of the altar and show fights. But to Pierucci, this kind of strategy can be self-defeating. “In a short time, the church’s leaders willl be old, bald and potbellied and it will be difficult to keep the church focused on youth values.”
To him, this church just exoresses youth values in religious terms. “They know that the young need a place to meet. The idea of belonging is important: not just belonging to Jesus, but to a special Jesus, ‘The one from my church’”.But he explains that reports linking evangelical churches to criminal activities are partly why the country’s establishment is still prejudiced against them: “Nowadays, in the University of São Paulo, there’s a tolerant mentality. So, you can say that you are Catholic, that you are Jewish, that you are Muslim, or even a follower of Candomblé or Umbanda (the African religions have a high number of followers in universities). But it is really rare to find a student who is brave enough to say that he is a new Pentecostalist. There is still some prejudice. It is not just about class, but about the status of the new Pentecostalism. This religion doesn’t have a lot of prestige.”

Fonte: The Guardian/igospel/iGoospel

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